The action-packed crime drama Gangs of Lagos is a gritty, hard-hitting film with a real-life plot that is set in the busy streets of Isale Eko, Lagos. The movie has intricate set pieces, action sequences, interesting dialogue, a fast-paced plot, and a very moving central narrative.
Title: Gangs of Lagos
Released Year: 2023
Country: Nigeria
Genre: Crime
Produced by: Jade Osiberu
Directed by: Jade Osiberu
Written by: Kay I. Jegede
Filename: Gangs.of.Lagos.2023.720p.Esub.EAC3.5.1.mkv
Filesize: 377MB, 1.05GB
Duration: 02:04:37
Subtitle: English
Star: Tobi Bakre, Adesua Etomi-Wellington, Chike Osebuka, Chioma Akpotha, and Iyabo Ojo
A group of friends who each have to navigate their own destiny, growing up on the bustling streets and neighborhood of Isale Eko, Lagos.
Now you can download, watch and enjoy Gangs of Lagos full movie mp4, mkv, blueray in HD now!
480p version (377 MB)DOWNLOAD HERE
720p version (1.05 GB)DOWNLOAD HERE
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