download the movie JUST BEFORE THE WEDDING – DESTINY ETIKO, OLUEBUBE OBIO, KACHI KACHI 2024 FULL NIGERIAN MOVIE for free online in high quality
download the movie JUST BEFORE THE WEDDING – DESTINY ETIKO, OLUEBUBE OBIO, KACHI KACHI 2024 FULL NIGERIAN MOVIE for free online in high quality
Let's stand for ourselves especially we singles onces by being happy and keep hoping one day,, HAPPY VALENTINE MY FELLOW WATCHING PEOPLE ??
Drama doll and Boss lady fans let's gather here and show them some love ❤❤❤???
Lovely movies
Madam ???
Wow I enjoyed the movie
Ebube is in love ?????❤
I go love oooh ????
The gate woman and the chief is so funny ??????
Nice movie
Omg l love dis movie
All ur moves are always nice ❤️pls I would love to bi in a movie with u ❤i can act any character ma pls??
Ever since I started watching our drama doll movies ? no one has ever liked my comments?
She definitely copied mannerisms of the elites.???
It's another masterpiece we appreciate you our Queen ??
Our Bubu and drama doll ?? let play the game
I love the way destiny etiko avert her product on the movie set
My boo boo ????????
??????? lovely guys ❤❤❤
Ebube be like we're deeply in love ????? which love bubu??? ???anyway just started with my ribs prepared to crack this drama doll and boss lady combination will break us ?????
Pls who knows the gatewoman insta hangle
Each time l ses our drama doll and ebube l quickly rush to watch cos l know it gonna be banger
Very interesting movie so many lessons to learn from it
Nice ? one guys
Eii God who joined them together in a movie bubu and drama doll.???.❤I need my pain killer ooh
My love for destiny and bubu is endless ❤my best actress ❤
Amazing movie it means don't trust anybody
Destiny and Ebube never disappoint us ???❤❤❤
Guys please let's gather here for our own boss baby bubu love?❤
the meat just dey vibrate just dey vibrate??
I just love u mama , I tap on ur Grace u too much ❤❤❤
This tow girls will not kill me ???❤?
Fun me????who else here liked on the introduction thumbs up?
Nice movie ???
This movie is here ❤❤
The cook and the gate woman are very funny ??.
Luv u destiny etiko ❤❤
Who is here for Ebube???
These two ❤ will not kill us Ebube and Destiny ❤ ??????
Bubu ? na u Dem carry like pikin put ontop car ?? hope the gun is not that heavy
Eweeuu so bubu u have started acting this kind romantic movies ?? much love from south Africa ❤❤❤
Your phone is vibrating ?
Destiny and Ebube never disappoint ??, l love Ebube action ?
I love this movie ❤
Perfect combination drama doll vs boss lady ❤let give them thumbs up ?
You all know when it comes to destiny and Ebube they never disappoint us let's show them some love ❤??
If you guys will agree with me that destiny and Ebube really deserve some award this year let's get here ❤?
Let show sister Destiny Etiko, Ebube obio and other actors some love guys, they are so amazing ❤❤❤❤??