sonic mania mobile should have christian whitehead's mobile hud design instead, if i gotta be honest the mobile hud made by netflix looks lame, good video as always man!
This is such a strange port. The HUD doesn't look terrible, just a lot more boring than the one's previously created by Whitehead. Also the game has this really weird issue with it's pixels until you set the video filter to Clean. It was also an extremely odd decision to lock it behind Netflix. Still pretty neat to have the game on mobile officially though.
This Netflix port actually has one benefit to using the decompilation though. A lot of current phones are set to 120hz, which makes the decomp run at double the speed (almost making it unplayable until you set your phone to 60hz) but this naturally just works at 120hz without any issues..
I feel the port is quite weak, I can't play it despite having paid Netflix, but I feel it weak and it takes away a lot of the value that Mania has, in itself, that game has a lot of value being a 25th anniversary game but with seeing that they did it that way, I feel that it takes away its value :/
Tendra mala reputación sera un fracaso debido ala de compilación rsdk haci que Netflix tendra el proyecto fracasado It will have a bad reputation, it will be a failure due to the rsdk compilation wing, so Netflix will have the project fail.
Honestamente el port de Netflix no es peor aparte me acostumbro mas que eso aparte tiene botones muy bien hechos y originales y no como la de compilación que son los controles de 2011 junto 2013 siendo sincero
this looks surprising at first until you realize theres a decompilation that serves the same purpose thats honestly better since its compatible with mods and customizable to an extent
sonic mania mobile should have christian whitehead's mobile hud design instead, if i gotta be honest the mobile hud made by netflix looks lame, good video as always man!
it is real?
Ngl, this port isn't terrible, but it really could've been better. The touch controls interface is just way too ugly to look at :/
This is such a strange port. The HUD doesn't look terrible, just a lot more boring than the one's previously created by Whitehead. Also the game has this really weird issue with it's pixels until you set the video filter to Clean. It was also an extremely odd decision to lock it behind Netflix. Still pretty neat to have the game on mobile officially though.
This Netflix port actually has one benefit to using the decompilation though. A lot of current phones are set to 120hz, which makes the decomp run at double the speed (almost making it unplayable until you set your phone to 60hz) but this naturally just works at 120hz without any issues..
Overall it's a strange but not terrible port.
Bro the menu is not cool
bro game want me Subscribe to Netflix ?
Hello friend have happy valentine day and good video ^^
And this is real??!!
The only thing that should change in an update is the fps because the game feels a bit slow
This is not available in my country…
Qué mala suerte no está disponible para
I feel the port is quite weak, I can't play it despite having paid Netflix, but I feel it weak and it takes away a lot of the value that Mania has, in itself, that game has a lot of value being a 25th anniversary game but with seeing that they did it that way, I feel that it takes away its value :/
Honestly, i rather play on RSDK, it feels better optimized and it has a better menu, this one is pretty confusing.
Also how did you even got it if there's only avaiable in some countrys
(If you used vpn, which country you used to download it)
Tendra mala reputación sera un fracaso debido ala de compilación rsdk haci que Netflix tendra el proyecto fracasado It will have a bad reputation, it will be a failure due to the rsdk compilation wing, so Netflix will have the project fail.
Es falso
Pet a uma ótima tarde Blast!
Hmmm siento que pudo ser mejor la verdad
Ah link?
Wait, how did you got it? Is this on Netflix now?
Man, it doesn't even adapt to the device's screen ?
The decompilation is definitely better
Honestamente el port de Netflix no es peor aparte me acostumbro mas que eso aparte tiene botones muy bien hechos y originales y no como la de compilación que son los controles de 2011 junto 2013 siendo sincero
En qué país vives? Es solo mi pregunta y ya.
this looks surprising at first until you realize theres a decompilation that serves the same purpose thats honestly better since its compatible with mods and customizable to an extent
They did it
Is this the actual Netflix port?
Va aber modo multijugador