download the movie “You Fit The Description Given.” – 12 Years A Slave #shorts #12yearsaslave #movie #moviescene #scene for free online in high quality
download the movie “You Fit The Description Given.” – 12 Years A Slave #shorts #12yearsaslave #movie #moviescene #scene for free online in high quality
Didn't know there were actuall 'good' slave owners
New title: Which kind of owner would you have been?
Guess he didn't mind being owned at that point
His name is Higgins.
If he’s that desperate to go back with that slave master, it inarguably displays how horrible it must have been where he was at. But that’s sort of part of slavery, at a certain point the only choice they have is which hell to occupy. Can’t blame the man for choosing the hell less hot.
edit: although i hear what some of yall are saying, I just dont find it productive to look for silver linings in slavery. Regardless of how “good” one slave might have it, he’s still property, he’s still not free to make his own choices, he’s still basically a tool for someone else to use. It can be nothing but BJ’s and pizza, it don’t matter, the dehumanization/usage of a person is still horrible in every sense of the word(s). I don’t feel like y’all are “defending slavery” or something crazy like that, I just think you have an askew definition of what it really means to be “free.” Comfortable and free are not the same thing at all.
There were no good slave owners. Slavery is an evil institution and continuing or supporting it is an evil act.
There could be kinder masters, but their kindness is tainted by their participation.
Slaves were an investment. Some owners took care of their investments. Especially black slave owners.
Slavery has been around as long as humanity has. The phone you're looking at this video on was probably made using forced labor. The clothes you're wearing were probably made using forced labor. Parts of your car, your furniture. You are culpable.
That doesn't change the fact that slavery is the most terrible institution in the history of mankind, but an institution nevertheless.
So, there are "good" slave owners that are kinder and more generous than others, but that doesn't change the fact that they're slave owners. And you, the very person reading this right now, enable slavery whether you want to or not everytime you spend money
They are so lucky to get to say all that. ?
the first "master" used the term negro and hugged the guy,but used the term property. now im not sure how to entirely take that
God i miss those times
Whaaaabwhaaaa waaaaah! You was a slave for 12 years. Big friggin deal. I have been stuck in Kansas City for eleven.
No one’s talking about the second slave owner being mixed. I haven’t seen the movie so I don’t know if that was on purpose or not
Just to be clear, this clip does not in any way imply Mr. Jonus Ray was a "good" slave owner, or even a good person. The good people of that day and age were fighting to abolish slavery, not profiting from it.
Mr. Clemmins Ray simply understood that being a valued piece of equipment was preferable to whatever lay ahead on that boat.
Or is this the same thinking that leads people to assume people who show the most basic care to a carriage horse is a "good" horse owner? Not working your property to death too quickly is just good business sense. Retrieving a stolen item of property is just good business sense. A good business man does not equate to a good man.
Fun fact: There was no such thing as a good slave owner
That man was a Jew, they’ve been involved in our slavery forever that’s why it’s not real must full
The average price for one in 1855 was $3000. In todays money that is almost $107K. That was also paid in cash so no financing. Very few people are going to mistreat or mutilate anything they have that much invested in.
Slavery takes all kinds of forms. People often have only one picture in mind and that is a black person picking cotton and getting whipped. If you take, lets say, biblical slavery then there was a condition that if you enjoyed working under your master then you could pierce your ear and stay in that household. I think most of the time a slave was no lower than a hired hand except you worked to pay off a debt. In cases of ownership then you lived and worked for the sake of living and working. We also have that in the United States of A where a person receives enough wages to keep afloat. Mixed with the occasional psychological torture of some manager.
Even though what the southern states did was wrong to the African-American people this was a lesson to the African-American people that slavery is wrong, because the African-American people were one of the very first people to ever introduce slavery to the world. They even enslaved each other.
??? Only if man, only if ???
Slavery was such a demeaning institution , Thanks God its behind us, we've made so much progress
Ole Spud O'Connell still in the acting biz. I just know him from his hometown, New Orleans.
Let’s all just wait until we finally see a movie about the African slave owners who sold their own people to these people for slavery ?
First slave owner in this country was black
More ppl are enslaved today in Africa than ever was enslaved in the south
Funny If Jonus Ray basically A wholesaler.. he Just Trying to Inflate The Price of that Folk To Highest Bidder
Schindler's List, to The Pianist, to Full Metal Jacket, and now to 12 Years A Slave.