Tekken (2017 TV Show) Update Synopsis "In 1994, a tournament called the Iron Fist Tournament was established by the Mishima Family, where everyone fights to gain ultimate power from the family. A man named Kazuya Mishima, son of Heihachi Mishima, joined the competition but lost to his own father, feared of becoming a demon, the cost of losing the tournament, he had his wife take their son somewhere far away from the Mishima Family to train and finish what his father started, and defeat his grandfather in the tournament. In 2017, Jin Kazama was trained so much by his mother, while trying to figure out his family's past, only to learn that they lost his father to their grandfather. Jin, encouraged by his mother and his closest friend, Ling Xiaoyu, goes to join the tournament to defeat his grandfather and finish his father's destiny."
Tekken (TV Series – Season 1) Update Synopsis Season 1 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 3
Tekken (TV Series – Season 2) Update Synopsis Season 2 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 4
Tekken (TV Series – Season 3) Update Synopsis Season 3 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 5
Tekken (TV Series – Season 4) Update Synopsis Season 4 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 6
Tekken (TV Series – Season 5) Update Synopsis Season 5 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 1-2
Tekken (TV Series – Season 6) Update Synopsis Season 6 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 7
Tekken (TV Series – Season 7) Update Synopsis Season 7 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 8
What's the most annoying question you've ever been asked?✨
Un trionfo artistico; questo video rappresenta l'apice dell'espressione creativa nel regno digitale.?
She looks like Mike Tyson
She built like a yellow bus
That trans?
That big trans man?
Lobe this
If they ever make a new Predator movie with female characters! ??
That no woman haha ???
when did the Williams sisters merge into one person again ?
Hahahahahahaha!!!! Gross
What the hell is even that.
pay someone to remove those moles off your face….and lose 40 pounds
Tekken (2017 TV Show) Update
"In 1994, a tournament called the Iron Fist Tournament was established by the Mishima Family, where everyone fights to gain ultimate power from the family. A man named Kazuya Mishima, son of Heihachi Mishima, joined the competition but lost to his own father, feared of becoming a demon, the cost of losing the tournament, he had his wife take their son somewhere far away from the Mishima Family to train and finish what his father started, and defeat his grandfather in the tournament. In 2017, Jin Kazama was trained so much by his mother, while trying to figure out his family's past, only to learn that they lost his father to their grandfather. Jin, encouraged by his mother and his closest friend, Ling Xiaoyu, goes to join the tournament to defeat his grandfather and finish his father's destiny."
Tekken (TV Series – Season 1) Update
Season 1 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 3
Tekken (TV Series – Season 2) Update
Season 2 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 4
Tekken (TV Series – Season 3) Update
Season 3 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 5
Tekken (TV Series – Season 4) Update
Season 4 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 6
Tekken (TV Series – Season 5) Update
Season 5 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 1-2
Tekken (TV Series – Season 6) Update
Season 6 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 7
Tekken (TV Series – Season 7) Update
Season 7 of Tekken live action based on Tekken 8