download the movie Aang Can Fly? Avatar The Last Airbender on Netflix #avatarthelastairbender #avatar #netflix for free online in high quality
download the movie Aang Can Fly? Avatar The Last Airbender on Netflix #avatarthelastairbender #avatar #netflix for free online in high quality
He’s gliding my gosh people don’t understand science
It would also help if you added the scene when he demonstrated to the Kyoshi Warriors that he is the Avatar via being the last Airbender. By Airbending over the statue of Avatar Kyoshi where he demonstrated what he did in this video but also floated down. Like in the live-action series.
Technically he could fly anyway because all it would need to take would be him to basically do what he did with the ball in the Nickelodeon cartoon one we're in the opening he rides around on a ball of air butt in the air buy basically bending the air around him to make it as if it's a solid ground that he can walk on
I hate that everybody’s saying he’s flying, but I also hate the scene and believe that they shouldn’t have made the scene in the first place..
Canonically air nomads lost the ability to fly on their own because they developed earthly attachments to the flying bisons, creating a symbiotic relationship that developed into full codependency.
Look at Zaheer, he gained the ability to fly after his combustion bender girlfriend died. She was his earthly attachment.
Ok Peter Pan
I think just hitting ground you stand on with one big single blow is a bit different to concentrating enough air in mid air to hold yourself for more than 5 seconds without generating any kind of tornado
In the clip you used from the live action series Aang is definitely flying, not using his glider, in spite of the fact that he has earthly attachments; in the clip you used from the cartoon, Aang sneezes, pushing air from his lungs, which is not the same as sustained flying.
The cinematography of the shot implies flying or at least any movement aang does like this in the show is either shortlived or done with the glider. Either way it gives off the feeling that they don't care for the source material and only what looks cool