Dang missed out on the premiere, about to watch the vid now. Just finished watching the whole series on Netflix and cant wait to watch both of you react to it!
I feel they made a good choice with Sokka’s characterization in the live action. He and Katara are meant to be closer in age in the cartoon, whereas he’s clearly much older in the show. Her being more meek and reserved around her big brother makes more sense. Especially considering how more authoritative and confident he is in the live action.
Maria Zhang (Suki) is just ..WOW! I know I am more than twice her age. I know I am much more of an "Uncle Iroh" than a "Sokka". But I can still appreciate WOW when I see it. ???✌?
Looking back, Kyoshi Island totally borrows elements (lol) from the myth of the Amazonian warriors and the fictional island of Themyscira(I think it's spelled), did I mention that I need a solo live action Kyoshi series adaptation with Yvonne Chapman as Kyoshi, such a bad…
Sokka had 2 if not several sides to him in the cartoon remember.
Sometimes he'll be comedic-relief and stupid?
Other times he can really be serious, sarcastic, and is usually the "plan guy" (leader of the group)
Like that time he didnt take shit from those stoners in "SECRET TUNNEL"?
But yeah he's always had that "I'm in charge" behaviour and always comes through for team Avatar. Especially end of szn 1 and in szn 2. So I think they;re also taking that into consideration and not make him a 1 DIMENTIONAL character.
I like the balance between comedic relief and the seriousness of Sokka's character as a whole in both adaptations?
It’s not too obvious in the first two episodes, but if they had just cut out about 50% of the exposition and had them actually work as a team the show would gotten much more positive reviews
I love how they took 3-4 episodes into 1 (water scroll, kyoshi island, zhao introduction, kyoshi meeting aang instead of Roku) but at the same time altered the story but yet kept significant easter eggs and main points. Its kind of like how the walking dead tv series was slightly different than the way the story was told in the comics but initially had a similar story
my god, i love your reactions as always but i specially cracked up when maple started acting up the sexual tension at 12:56. Felt like old school kindergarten couple bullying and i am all up for it
Sokka The Original Back Bender
Dang missed out on the premiere, about to watch the vid now. Just finished watching the whole series on Netflix and cant wait to watch both of you react to it!
I feel they made a good choice with Sokka’s characterization in the live action. He and Katara are meant to be closer in age in the cartoon, whereas he’s clearly much older in the show. Her being more meek and reserved around her big brother makes more sense. Especially considering how more authoritative and confident he is in the live action.
Kyoshi in canon: only justice will bring peace
Kyoshi in fandom: end that mthfka life!!!
Love your take on the reactions. You resonate as fans but being reasonable about that a live-action will always have to be different from the cartoon.
#flirtingGoneWrong! LOL… Suki is my hero.
I thought they did an amazing job with Zhou in this series.
"Eternal trauma…it would be generational" !!! OMG…girl, you cracking me up!!!!
I've watched all the episodes and I didn't expect Zuko's actor to become by far my favorite of all the cast. He did a great job.
Maria Zhang (Suki) is just ..WOW! I know I am more than twice her age. I know I am much more of an "Uncle Iroh" than a "Sokka". But I can still appreciate WOW when I see it. ???✌?
this show kinda sucks fam
Girls be prepared to cry in the fourth episode.
Looking back, Kyoshi Island totally borrows elements (lol) from the myth of the Amazonian warriors and the fictional island of Themyscira(I think it's spelled), did I mention that I need a solo live action Kyoshi series adaptation with Yvonne Chapman as Kyoshi, such a bad…
Sokka had 2 if not several sides to him in the cartoon remember.
Sometimes he'll be comedic-relief and stupid?
Other times he can really be serious, sarcastic, and is usually the "plan guy" (leader of the group)
Like that time he didnt take shit from those stoners in "SECRET TUNNEL"?
But yeah he's always had that "I'm in charge" behaviour and always comes through for team Avatar. Especially end of szn 1 and in szn 2. So I think they;re also taking that into consideration and not make him a 1 DIMENTIONAL character.
I like the balance between comedic relief and the seriousness of Sokka's character as a whole in both adaptations?
Awesome reaction as usual!
I’m so surprised at how much I enjoyed this version of avatar I really hope they do season 2 and 3
Kyoshi kicking all those fire-nation-butts was by far the best action scene of the series, and one of the GOOD changes that Netflix did.
It’s not too obvious in the first two episodes, but if they had just cut out about 50% of the exposition and had them actually work as a team the show would gotten much more positive reviews
I love how they took 3-4 episodes into 1 (water scroll, kyoshi island, zhao introduction, kyoshi meeting aang instead of Roku) but at the same time altered the story but yet kept significant easter eggs and main points. Its kind of like how the walking dead tv series was slightly different than the way the story was told in the comics but initially had a similar story
my god, i love your reactions as always but i specially cracked up when maple started acting up the sexual tension at 12:56. Felt like old school kindergarten couple bullying and i am all up for it
I think he nailed Zhao's speaking cadence, underrated performance