download the movie *BIG CHANGES!* Netflix Avatar: The Last Airbender S1 Ep:3&4 REACTION/REVIEW | First Time Watching for free online in high quality
download the movie *BIG CHANGES!* Netflix Avatar: The Last Airbender S1 Ep:3&4 REACTION/REVIEW | First Time Watching for free online in high quality
To be honest, "meh" is one of the expressions that came to my mind the most while watching the show. I liked the first few episodes and I don't have a problem with changes in general. But for me the changes have to make sense and "feel right", if that's understandable. Sometimes I didn't get that feeling while watching. I think that's mostly because I didn't really liked the writing. There are so many problems with it (in my opinion). The bad dialogue, the fact that there are so many "in your face moments" instead of using "show don't tell", the simple way in which many things are done. I also didn't like Katara in the show. It feels like she is more of an empty shell than anything else. I don't want to blame the actress, maybe it's the writing too.
To be honest, the show didn't hit me in the feelings like it should have. And I'm a bit disappointed because the scene with Iroh and Zuko shows us that it could have been different. But as I'm writing this, I'm wondering if that scene really hit me because of the show's storytelling, or just because of my knowledge of the original. Hm. I don't know what to think. In the end, I feel like so much more could have been done. We will see what comes if we get another season. By the way I don't want to talk shit about the show, these are just my thoughts and opinions. I'm happy for everyone who loves it. <3
It’s funny that you got that it was Jet but didn’t realize that was Azula because I recognized Azula straightaway but didn’t recognize Jet despite Katara’s obvious attraction to him.
(And, yes, I facepalmed (for not recognizing Jet) so hard I might as well be OG Sokka after the Cave of Two Lovers. ?♀️)
Edit: I also loved the addition of Lu Ten’s funeral. That was such a beautiful moment between Zuko and Iroh. I’m pretty sure Albert Kim is Fire Nation because it seems like the Fire Nation has some of the best scenes, if not most of them.
2:18 never notice till now but did Ozai remotely kill them with his fire???
Excellent reaction! Really loved how we still got the cabbage man and we got a first glimpse of Azula! I think what was great about this episode was that it really shows how the war had affected everyone from different sides. Bumi was forced to grow up and make hard decisions and didn’t have Aang there to consult with let alone confide in which made him feel abandoned. Iroh had lost loved ones as well as he was forced to take other people loved ones against his reluctance. Also I did agree how you said that they are doing everything from a different perspective yet still keeping to the spirit of the original animated series!
The scene of Lu Ten's funeral makes me tear up every time, Iroh sits alone in mourning, his own brother gives him hollow platitudes and then just leaves. But Zuko comforts him, shares a memory of what a good person Lu Ten had been, and then sits down to share in his mourning so he won't be alone. You see all you need to see to understand why Iroh loves his nephew and will do anything for him.
3 and 4 were the hardest episodes for me. They aren't BAD but they aren't my favorite. It took a second viewing to appreciate them more. Not a fan of combining the multiple storylines, honestly.
Brace yourself for quite a bit of dissappointment in the next episode.
Episode 5 is by far the worst in this season.
BUT, episode 6 is going to be a LOT better. So at least you will have something to look forward to while fighting through the first of the next two. xD
I think that you might have missed some of the subtext from Bumi's rants at Aang. I don't think that Bumi was angry at Aang for getting trapped in an iceberg, but because his absence caused so much death and destruction, regardless of how that absence occurred. Those impossible choices Bumi kept talking about, they were him having to decide which group got to live and who died. Do you feed the soldiers who are defending the city or do you feed the orphans who are just children, but can't help defend the city for many years? He probably had to feed the soldiers and the children died. He has to live with those deaths on his conscience, along with thousands of others who died because of his decisions. Decisions that he wouldn't have had to make if Aang had been there. At least, that's how Bumi feels about it. His turnaround might have seemed a bit sudden, but Bumi had no hope and thought that he only had more years of people dying because of him ahead of him. Aang showed him that Aang was actually going to try to end the war. He gave Bumi hope again. That's what caused the turnaround.
Fun fact, that was the original Cabbage Merchant reprising his role. I knew about him being in this a couple weeks ago when he appeared on one of the episode reactions series of who voiced Toph. He even made cookies made with cabbages to share with her to honor his character. He is a really charismatic guy!
You're absolutely right about comparison leading to disappointment. From everything I've read online people who have never seen the original show love this show a ton. People who have seen the original are less enthusiastic because they can't help but to compare.
I always love how insightful your reactions are. Also I think this live action is "okay" as someone who's a fan of the original, but can treat this as a separate series, as should be done with any adaptation. I hope you don't feel too pressured to avoid talking about your dislikes with this show, as I like hearing your own input and thoughts! I agree with what you're saying so far, I think some of the acting falls flat and I have a hard time getting past all the exposition.
Are you going to watch the other Pirates of the Caribbean movies?
At 18:44 he said the line.
I had a very similar reaction to Bumi's new persona. While I can see how Bumi could turn into a bitter old man tired of war and raging against the person who 'could have stopped it' it never hit right because the Live action also changed Aang's story from a run away to a kid trying to grow up fast. If they had kept Aang on his original story arc and had him trying to desparately avoid his responsibilities as an Avatar I think this version of Bumi would have been a real hard hitting episode where Aang gets a really personal experience with the effects of the war and how it changed his friend. Nothing with Bumi's arc, in my mind, is an actual issue with Bumi, the issue is that the story the Directors are telling are at odds with how Aang and Bumi resolved Bumi's justafiable resentment, even if its misplaced. It would have been fantastic to have to watch Bumi and Aang rationalize the others perspectives and come to an understanding. After their resolution Aang could ask if he would teach him earthbending and Bumi could then pave the way for Toph.
The episode feels like a flop for me because I felt no real payouff for Bumi or Aang; Aangs perspective on the war never changed, Aang didn't really learn anything usefull from Bumi except that his friend has been wallowing for the better part of 70 years (I say 70 becuse no way bumi was king as soon as the air nomads were killed). And quite frankly, while we all know that the war has gone on for 100 years, Omashu doesn't look like a devistated or recovering city. It doesn't feel like the city has been under seige or having supply lines cut, things that would put stress on Bumi as King – They didn't show us a Kingdom of a jaded king, they showed us a thriving market, a strong defensive guard, developing infrastructure – all of which make Bumi's festering resentment ring hollow. And look, I get it, before you come in the comments I know in a 100 years that the city could have been attacked, they withstood the seige, and have since recovered. All True. but Bumi is making it out like he's had to make the sort of impossible choices hes giving to Aang every day since the battle began. I'm just looking for the show not tell, have a bit of dialoge from the guards that supplies are running low so their happy for any produce that enters, expand the cabbage slug dialogue to explain that they wont get another shipment for months and cant risk pests; have beggars on the streets looking for bread and shelter in between the shop stalls. Anything! plus the state of a struggling city would have paired beautifully with a mad king dressed in finary, the freedomfighters misguided desire to help those less fortunate with bombs etc.
I think in the finale fight, Bumi wasn't trying to teach Aang a lesson…was more to unalive himself
You are definitely not alone in the love for Dallas/Zuko and Paul/Iroh. I freaking lost it and ugly cried during that funeral scene and then again at the end when he says nothing about Appa. Despite it's flaws thus far, I would watch a season 2 purely for them. Paul Sun-Hyung Lee is a given, I mean, come on. But Dallas Liu, as early into it as he is, I think has an amazing career ahead of him. He's just so darn good at projecting things with his expression even when he's not saying any lines. I can't wait for you to get to 6, my favorite out of the season.
Everyone has already talked you to death over Bumi, so I won't go into it too much. I get his change is very divisive. What I will say is that I've seen an equal number of blind reactors to the animated show who are utterly put off by his attitude as there are those that completely loved him, and literally nothing in the middle, so at least it's consistent that way? Also that my dude has literally been having the weight of Omashu's citizens on his shoulders through 100 years of war, and while I get his dialogue was not the best written stuff in the world, would you really say "oh just get over it" to an actual war veteran with that kind of trauma? That's really the only part of your commentary that rubbed me a little bit the wrong way. Anything else I didn't agree with, I can agree to disagree, honest.
But speaking of agreeing, yes, Kiawentiio's Katara falls kind of flat for me. How much of that is her and how much of it is behind the camera is hard to say. There's definitely a lot of clunky writing that I can't attribute to just the actors' delivery. Which is sad, because from a directional standpoint, I see a lot of what they're trying to lay down and the seeds for plot that they're planting, but the execution is just not always there when it gets to whoever is doing dialogue. It's really my main negative when talking about the live action. I have some faith that what people don't necessarily like now will pay off if we manage to get more seasons, so I am doing my best to keep an open mind.
Jones Vibes I think helped put it into perspective when talking about how the live action isn't necessarily going for the same 3 season structure as the animated show, so I hope that if we do get more, that it grows into itself some more. Going forward as you keep watching (assuming you haven't already finished behind the scenes) the theme I think you should keep in mind is "regaining hope." Weirdly enough, I think the live action is at it's worst when it's trying to 1:1 the animated series, so I'm still interested in the different directions it will take. A remix and not a remake, if you will, like discovering a cover of a song that is so different you end up loving it for totally unrelated reasons. And if I'm wrong, well, I will happily insert my foot into my mouth on my own ?
ima be honest man , i never watched the animated series till you started this journey i watch all you uploaded so far and GODDDDLY im so invested now ahaha so thank you – a side note also very funny when you predict the next sentence haha " you had it harder" …. " you had it harder then him" well there you go… LOL nice
As someone who loved every second of this adaptation, I appreciate SO much that you kept the positivity while also working through your disappointment. I think it's hard when we have the full 3 seasons of the OG show to look at and then we have to take this version one episode at a time and wait for things to come together, but overall it's a beautiful season and the writers really did something amazing with just 8 episodes.
Seeing Danny Pudi as Sai, makes me think you might enjoy watching Community, if you haven't seen it yet. One of my top comedy TV shows, personally.
I think the 3rd episode is my least favorite from the series. It's the one where it really felt like too many plot points were mashed together. For what it's trying to do, I found it impressive that they get the subject points through in a way that does work cohesively. But you can just feel how it was forced together. I think it just gets better from here on out.
Leaves From the Vine is a Pavlovian effect for me these days. I hear those first four notes and I'm crying.
Id give the show a solid 8/10 overall – I’d say that Sokka, Zuko, and Iroh’s actors REALLY carried it for me. My biggest gripe is that some of the acting and lines are cheesy and/or stilted (which there could be many reasons for) but overall, visually it’s INCREDIBLE and I think they did a pretty good job condensing as much of the OG show as possible into 8 episodes. I think too many ppl were expecting it to basically be a copy but I think they did a great job changing it into a darker, more mature take which I’m enjoying as an adult.
I agree ab Katara though ): I think that’s my biggest criticism of the shot like all the other characters are pretty true-to-the OG vibes, but her fire, passion, and personality has been stripped away and idk why. Ik the actress was pretty young when filming started but I don’t wanna blame her cause it could be for a bunch of reasons but I’m hoping if it’s renewed that we can see more from her
I'm so glad you were able to recognize the tune of leaves from the vine playing in the background ?
I love azulas portrayal ???
I completely agree with your point at 49:53, because this has been bugging me too. I feel like they should have thought Aang got killed with the other air nomads… I don't get why they are all so bitter when it appeared that the Air Nation got attacked the same day Aang left. It'd make more sense if the attack occurred later and they showed the air nomads out looking for Aang and word spreading that he "ran away".
You will enjoy more if you don't compare to the original 😀
You should watch the pitch perfect movies!!
You have to think about this as to why they made some adaptation changes The average viewership for the airbender animated series is around 1.1 to 2 million viewers per episode whereas episode 1 had more than 22 million viewers and it's the number one overall viewed show on Netflix.
The only small fraction of the people who watch the live vacuum have ever seen the animated in the live action is more popular than the animated now the animated came out first and is the inspiration absolutely but they made the show so that a wider audience could enjoy it the same way comic book adaptations do they don't follow the comic book to the team as that represents about 5% of the movie going audience they make a movie that a much wider range of people can enjoy.
So if you go into a movie or a series that's being adapted from a book a comic or animation and you're disappointed that it's not exactly the same That's a you problem That should never be your expectation just go in and see if it's a good movie on its own and judge it based on that.
referencing Peter Pan with a character who's pretty clearly inspired by Peter Pan lol
To be honest, I don't really vibe with Katara-Aang's 'romantic' love from the OG. I kinda like, brushed it off try to forget about it. I mean, it's okay if they fell in love later when they grew up. But that's just me. The live-action decision to make the love is between siblings probably because they have so few episodes to build Katara and Aang romantic love in such a short time before this episode, and won't be paid off until the season finale. But I'm not here nor there though. I kinda accept both approaches.
Out of everything they changed, the one thing I totally LOATHED was what they did to Bumi. /frown . The funeral scene and some stuff in future episodes are AMAZING updates to the lore. I find it ironic the most meaningful changes to the story focus on the Fire Nation! BTW, dunno if you take requests but I would HIGHLY recommend One Piece after finishing this up. That's a stellar example of deviating from the source material and making it even better. Somehow, they condense 45-50 episodes of the anime into 8 meaningful hours — you'll laugh, you'll cry.
There were two specific changes to this show from the original that I can point to that I didn’t like. One of them was Bumi feeling a bit too harsh on Aang, the other is in a later episode. But my overall enjoyment of the live-action and the changes they made that I DID enjoy outweigh the things I didn’t like. Plus, I saw someone point out that it was almost like they were combining Bumi’s character with the fisherman from The Storm, which made it a little easier for me to accept the more cynical Bumi.
As for changes I do really enjoy, most of them are in later episodes so I can’t talk about them yet (one of them fixes one of my very few minor nit-picks of the original series) but one I can point to is that I love that we get to see a bit more of WHY Azula is the way she is. The original show always had that implication that she took after Ozai and was also just a victim of his “parenting” in a different way than Zuko was. But here we get to SEE it. She’s not just daddy’s little monster, he MADE her that way.
I'm really glad you're honest about this and not just fanboying like people did for One Piece. This show isn't great. It has its moments, but it's too melodramatic and soap opera-y. You're right about Katara. She's awful. I actually don't like Iroh very much either. I can feel him playing a character, while i just see Zuko and Zhao as real people.
I think you are too critical of these live action actors. Katara is great; I actually like this version of her better because the overly sappy and emotional Katar from the animated show always annoyed me; and I'm one whose enjoyed and watched the animated show more than a dozen times through. This live action Katara is allot less annoying – really – not annoying at all.
I just don't get why Bumi was so mad at Aang like that? Bumi would've thought that Aang would've been murdered a long time ago? Why is he mad at him for having survived? How did he even know Aang was the avatar? Aang didn't exactly have time to go visit the Earth Kingdom and tell him before he froze. If he'd heard about the avatar being back, then seeing that AANG was the Avatar (and ALIVE) should've really surprised him, right?
Thank you for your positivity and wearing your heart on your sleeve letting Leaves from the Vine emotionally touch you so. That’s the sign of a beautiful soul ❤?
Bumi is my biggest gripe. Katara is my second. She doesn’t have enough fire and, as you said, attitude. They aren’t the same characters.
I totally feel the same. The first two episodes were great, then these two were a struggle for me. Katara is definitely way too subdued, and the writing and dialogue is quite cringy at times, but I am really enjoying the moments where they expand upon Zuko and Iroh's relationship, and the effects of the war, and Aang and Gyatso's relationship.
Agreed about Katara’s actress
I noticed about her acting the most,its so awkward ,unfortunately
17:20 Uh Aang, you can "FLY." I'm pretty sure you'll get there faster. Especially if this is an emergency. I mean, I get it if you're trying to stay undercover, but lives are on the line here.
"when the world needed him most, he vanished"
everyone knows this story. it makes sense that people resent the avatar for his absence. especially people like bumi who has lived through the entire century of war and has been in a role of leadership, responsible for the lives of others. i like his characterization here.
I didn't like either version of Bumi, so it was the weakest part of the show by far for me.
The thing with Bumi is he's hurt cause he thought Aang abandoned him when he needed him the most, he was crying while fighting Aang, he's trying to show him the hard truth of war where sometimes you have to make hard choices.
4th episode is the worst in series. It only goes up from here.
Yes people have many people have had lose from war murder or lost friend's.
Point is you cant claim you would not be affected by something that has never affected you.
You can still like or dislike it for any reason but making wild claim on how you or other would act in his place is silly. If you think knows ask family is Ukraine or Israel or the countless fa.ily affected vy war and lose.
Keep in mine that the highest viewed animated air bender was the finally with 5.6 million viewers and the first episode of the live action had 22.4 million. So far far more people who loved it have never seen the animated, so why would they stick to it when making it for a larger audience is over all better. Making shows is a business not a fan service.
But if you don't like it that ok it all subjective