download the movie “Troy and Abed with the Avatar!” | Avatar The Last Airbender (Netflix) – 1×3 Omashu- Group Reaction for free online in high quality
download the movie “Troy and Abed with the Avatar!” | Avatar The Last Airbender (Netflix) – 1×3 Omashu- Group Reaction for free online in high quality
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Honestly yea why didn;t they ever do more with Korra's like both franchises are in the same universe , have tons of books and Aang is getting another animated show aftet this then we get a Korra sequel in 2025 ?
I really like the first season but for now I’m also waiting till the second season to fully determine if the show is good or bad. I know a lot of fans didn’t like how the pacing of the first season was and the things that were changed but I actually liked it since it was different from the anime. If it was exactly like the anime, I would’ve just rewatch the animation instead of watching the live action, I just hope that they still stick to the main plot and keep a lot of the iconic parts the same.
This is a fantastic show. You guys just need to relax and enjoy it. Damn!
Girl in the red is so ANNOYING
I feel like some of the criticisms are based on the later episodes of the cartoon. The first season of Avatar started slow. We didn't get a hint of the true depth of Zuko's character until The Storm which was in the second half of Book 1 (and I would argue having Zuko as just a villain first and foremost was crucial to his stellar transformation and storyline… hating him was needed for the redemption arc he was on, just the same as hating Bakugo at the beginning of My Hero Academia). We had a lot of unconnected stories that bounced around the world. We slowly got to know our characters and the world, but every episode wasn't the kind of genius storytelling we got into in the 2nd and 3rd seasons.
Don't get me wrong, the slow start worked for the show because it laid the foundation. But expecting the beginning of the first season of the adaptation to have peak fiction is holding this adaptation to an even higher standard than the original.
I'm also not of the opinion that having the original creators would guarantee anything. The adaptation maybe could've been 'better', but it equally could've been 'not better'. We don't know because we only get one adaptation, but I'm decently happy with what I've seen so far, although there are certain changes I don't agree with mainly because I don't feel like they had the right impact.
At the very least, I appreciate the adaptation for wanting to find its own path while trying to stay true to most of the characters and the world. If I wanted to see a 1:1 with the original, I would just watch the original.
Thank you Micky seriously. "Oh ma' shoe"?
I’m glad to see Micky and Marketa pointing out how artificial this show feels. Everything bad, and I mean everything, stems from the writing teams inexperience or poor grasp of the material. People praising how they managed to nail this plot thread or this bit of dialogue are missing the forest for the trees. The show wants to claim it’s about friendship like the OG was, but despite cutting tons of material and adding their own, the friendship or team avatar barely exists. The focused far too much on trying to make a seedier, GoT esque world at war, they neglect the essence of what made ATLA so beautiful and unique.
I’m guessing the most likely reason the OG creators left is because Netflix kept an iron fist on them because of the budget. And because they have never made a live action series they couldn’t come to an agreement of what to cut out because they felt everything was important.
Because they let the creator of One Piece stay involved but I think he understood the assignment of combining and cutting out not important moments. Just a theory.
There have been about 100 different leaked reasons as to why they left.
At the end of the day this is a thing all on its own and you seeing the same story and you are enjoying watching it at all then I personally think it is doing its job.
Not gonna lie, seeing your reaction to this one made me feel a little bit better about it. I reeealy didn't dig it watching it by myself, I was very much impressed with the casting, again, but all I could think about was what we were missing by collapsing three episodes/stories into one. Jet could have been it's own thing, the mechanist could have been it's own thing, and so could Omashu. I… Just can't help but feel like, for as much as they kept saying this was gonna be their Game of Thrones, and for how long this show has been in development, 8 episodes was just far too little. Even going for 12 would have gone a long way letting these stories and relationships breathe a little.
If you want to see what it would of been if the creators didn't leave you have episodes 1 & 6. Which they were part of; involved, wrote… before they left. And were credited for in those episodes. People just have it very difficult if not impossible accepting that all was considered and these were the best choices made. With the exception of not giving the creators whatever they wanted and drove them away. It's an experiment. Hopefully a long-term one with them having more opportunities to improve with the continuation of the story and other seasons. It's more Avatar for me and the fans that feel the same. It's 2 different, separate,… stories yet connected. One by Avatar Studios via animated, books, novels, comics,… and the other via live-action by Netflix. It makes the Avatarverse bigger. The live-action is a "What If…?" if you will. Which is why it is a remix of the whole franchise. Not a cover. It's not a replacement. I watched the whole series, all 8 episodes. I love it!!! I gave it an 8/10. People need to learn to let go and enjoy the ride.Stop being biased and entitled. Just only appreciate all; the team behind the product, the choices made, what they had to consider,… If you are truly to be a fan. Being a fan is a choice. Like when one support a sports team regardless if it win or lose. Not one who says they're a fan because something was given to them they like, want or love. It's a choice made when you decide and continue to make that choice to support whether with praise or loving constructive criticism yet still stand by regardless… a marriage.
Chris’s hot take about a Korra remake ???? finally someone else agrees???
This show has been a lot of fun and love watching you guys reactions
Yeah it keeps getting worse from here until the final episode where it gets better. Next few episodes are the one that have huge pacing issues and some things just don’t make sense.
This episode just felt a bit rushed but the next few go off the rails completely to make it unique and those sections are sadly the worst. It’s when they follow the story or roughly follow it that it’s really good
They are trying a little bit to look like GOT. The scenes with Azula and Ozai kind of one of those. In this episode Azula shots the arrow and after she picks it up she does say at 13:04 something about a game and pieces. So maybe that part?
“I’ve always wanted to kick a child” lock Chris up right now! ??
Water 20 chapters of around 25 minutes discounting the intro and the credits. This serie has 8 episodes of around 50 minutes. The total run time isnt that much shorter.
Its Just a matter of combining episodes into a united narrative in a single episode.
my mom and sister have never watched the cartoon and they loved this, they like the story and the characters they said they cant wait for season 2 cause theyre curious where some of these characters are gonna end up. personally as someone who has seen the og i understand why they made the changes they made i do have some issues with the writing, some performances and the chemistry of the main trio i see potential for growth tho so its fine. Everything related to the fire nation tho i LOVE ozai, azula and how they went a little bit more in dept with them, the relationship between iroh and zuko and zuko himself, dallas its imo the best of the children, i started rewatching atla and thats literally zuko he nailed the character, he actually made him more sympathetic here than og zuko was in book 1
Your discussion at the end about them not including enough screen time for small character building moments is why the show felt flat to me. And it is not because they didn’t have enough time to include these moments or because it is an adaption. Don’t make excuses. The show runners chose to focus on exposition dumps and left little space for dialogue for the characters to just have moments to be themselves and build a relationship with each other, especially Aang’s relationship with Katara and Sokka. As opposed to the One piece live action, they had a lot of scenes that were just the crew talking amongst each other that had nothing to do to with moving the plot forward but it was critical in building the relationship of the crew. ATLA is very similar to OP because it is an adventure with a group of kids/teens where the relationships in the group are just as important as the story
You guys don’t understand how greatly these avatar live action reactions hit. Coming from a fan of the cozy 4.
Supposedly the creators might’ve given it the George Lucas special edition treatment and made more changes to the story. It actually lines up with stuff that they’ve said at conventions and interviews that they “don’t like doing the same thing twice” which is why Legend of Korra was so different from ATLA and quite a number of fans back then had a lot of distain for Korra’s story so there’s a possibility that fan outrage might’ve been worse.
The first season of OG ATLA has a 466 minutes of runtime according to the runtime of each episode as shown on Netflix and the Live action show has 430 minutes
No offense cause I know Rana is taken but she is hotter than the fire bending in this show ????
Mikey I think you're looking through knowing eyes. I've seen reactions from virgin eyed viewers and they like what they see. The crap is coming from avatar fans like you guys. (Not that you guys completely giving a lot of crap. Check out Previewed or Late to the Party for instance. ???