download the movie AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER (Episode 2) REACTION!! Netflix Live Action | CBTV for free online in high quality
download the movie AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER (Episode 2) REACTION!! Netflix Live Action | CBTV for free online in high quality
Real quick cause this show is such a hot topic right now and I’ve seen some comments in my last video that I had to block…I am not here to Bash this show. I’m not jumping on this “hate train” that is going around BUT i WILL say something if I don’t agree with the change or I’m expressing a concern. I grew up with the show so it’s hard to ignore things but once again I am not hating it. The show isn’t perfect and it’s not wrong to call some things out if I would like.
All that said, this is just for fun!? ? – I’m having a good time regardless and just wanted to share my thoughts so hopefully moving forward we can do that together. Looking forward to it! Hope you enjoy! ?
the most hype episode
✋✨he rAAN ✨✋
Caitlinnnnn…. it's 3 am over here… but here i am cause bestie postedddd?
Omg, Tears in my eyes when I saw you posted this reaction..tbh there's a lot of hate about this show, but I absolutely love it.
Tbh, I thin the actor that played prince Zuko (Dallas Liu) Delivered the line ''HE RAANN'' Very well. Zuko is a spoiled, rich, disrespectful brat who has almost never heard the word no in his life. He'd be angy for sure. But I must say. The song material girl plays in my head every time I see that clip. Like……The hand placement and everything?? its perfect. Dallas took spoiled and rich and ran with it. I also laughed tho it was so funny.
I really didn't like how they removed sokka's character
Aang “becoming” the other avatars happened twice in the series. He “became” Roku in the solstice part 2, and again in the second book, when they are in a weird earth kingdom village and aang is standing trial, Aang “becomes” kyioshi
I guess I’m in the minority on my opinions on the episode? I honestly loved sokka and suki’s dynamic in this. Although sokka not being sexist really took a lot out of this I am a hopeless romantic so trust me to love it for what it is???
Also in the original he turned into Roku on the solstice so that’s what I expected. Them changing it to kyoshi, I must admit, made me skeptical at first but it was actually pretty cool.
Love how you get the fact that they changed Sokka from being sexist and made Suki kinda weird takes away from character development – he’s kinda bland at times – I think this was to merge the “avatar day”‘episode with this one.
Aang and Katara having no chemistry is also … not good
I’m loving this series! So far every actor has been nailing it, I’m so excited to see where it goes. I’m glad it feels like they are doing it some justice.
Okay so about Kyoshi actually physically appearing in the village when Aang went into Avatar state, that same thing happened in the animation when Aang went to Roku in that island. It was Roku who burst out of the room where his statue was, remember? I think that is where they got the idea to show Kyoshi's physical form too.
Kyoshi also manifested through Aang in the animation, as well as Roku
I really like Sokka and Suki here.. they have good chemistry. His sexism never really bothered me so I'm its gone here. It was shown in 4 episodes only anyways, so meh. ?
But watching this dont expect a 1v1 copy of the cartoons. Just sayin.
While i agree that removing Sokka’s sexism was detrimental to his character, i think how Suki was portrayed was actually spot on. Like shes never really met a boy she likes before, shes always been a warrior, so the fact that shes struggling a little bit with boys made sense to me
I think the show's really good, specially when we understand they have made changes, therefore we can watch it without knowing every single detail that's going to happen… and some changes are actually pretty cool! in this episode for instance, as you said, Suki makes sense.. her speech about nonbenders, and her personality being raised in an island…
love your reaction as always <3