I think one of the shows biggest sins in terms of characterization comes from episode 7 and i dont see many people bringing it up. in the og show when katara informs aang that paku wont train katara, aang is immediately on kataras side, saying that if he wont train katara he wont train with paku. aang is ride or die with his friends so much so that katara has to talk aang down and convince him to continue training. in the netflix show aang TAKES PAKUS SIDE! what!? if there was any semblance of a nastalgia high i had left while watching this that scene sent it crashing to the ground
I’m totally find they removed the sexism story arch. That horse has been beat to death a hundred million times over, in all forms of media, 30 years ago lol. Now in modern times I’ve heard it so many times I can’t even watch it without rolling my eyes
People are comparing it to one piece, don't (exept for the script). One piece is far bigger than avatar, they recreated every set IRL and it cost Millions. I am disapointed in a lot however. I am okay with changes to the story (like one piece)
Effects: 4/5 Character design: 4.5/5 Story telling: 3.5/5 Character presentation: 1/5 Seriously One Piece had probably the best Character presentation ever !
21:00 I actually think Iroh being different is one of the show's strengths. It was going to be really hard to recreate the Iroh we got in the cartoon, so I feel like they went for a slightly altered version of Iroh that manages to sit really comfortably in the live action adaptation. Cartoon Iroh feels like a wise man who seems to have life all figured out and is just enjoying every moment while looking after his nephew. Live action Iroh is not that, but the Iroh we got in the live action is still an interesting portrayal of the character in my eyes. He feels like a grieving father, who latched onto Zuko as a way to cope with the loss of his son. He has his own problems and might have some personal character growth still to go.
There is a lot in the Live action that I disliked, but Iroh isn't one of those. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad.
Personally i wanted it to be more gritty and less silly so that I'm able to actually recommend this show to people at work and friends ect. And guess what, they all love it. It's a dream to arrive at work and hear all my colleagues talking about Aang and Zuko ect and being able to talk with them about my favourite world from my favourite show
I am shocked how many people fall for this live action "interpretation" – The acting is ok to absolutely laughable – There is a stupid amount of bland expostion – The effects are weirdly corporated into the scenes and look off – The story is completly disconneted – It's rushed and yet wastes so much time – Butchering characters left and right – NO CREATIVE DIRECTION – zero subtlety whatsoever, everyone carries thier life story on their forehead – The costumes range from good to horrible, seriously why does Bumi look like a crackhead Ottomman Sultan – etc
Whenever modern shows and movies are using to do women with powers out always boils down to you just need the right mind set to unlock your powers rather than practice and training. In the cartoon katara had to troubleshoot how to do the water wip for a while or keep going off behind her and she had to use her ingenuity to almost do it in reverse to freeze the soldiers by turning her back to them… This show is one of the shows of all time but once you start digging it gets weaker.
welp guess in the meantime we rewatch all the overanalyzing avatar vids once again while we wait for the seperate vids. this show was good enough, i dind expect to much from netflix in general but im happy i got to rewatch my favorite show in "real life". best scene has to be the funeral for lu ten, and i cant wait for your video and analyzing of that scene.
I think it’s hard to criticize Ozai, Azula, Ty Lee, or Mai. They didn’t have any development in the original Book One. So saying they feel different is a strange take. It’s still possible that Azula becomes what we expect. Ozai as well now that Zuko and Iroh have essentially betrayed the Fire Nation. It’s possible in Season 2 we get more resentment of Zuko from his father. Ozai may take this failure at the North and success of Azula in Omashu to finally give up on Zuko. Nothing they’ve done with Ozai or Azula to me can’t fit in the originals backstory, except Ozai vs Zuko Agni Kai and Azula being in charge of the Omashu capture.
I feel like Iroh was treated unfairly, especially in the final episode when he confronts Chao. It doesn't really feel like he posed a threat to Chao because his lines lacked the same menacing tone as in the original Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA) series. Iroh wasn't helped by just standing and watching Chao after saying, 'Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold,' and then remaining idle as if nothing important was happening. In the original ATLA, you truly sense the anger and determination in Iroh during that scene, and he genuinely feels like he's about to take decisive action against Chao. I believe this scene is crucial for Iroh's character development because it demonstrates his respect and care for the spirit world and its inhabitants, which became a large part of his character later on.
just make a soulslike Sokka game where he’s in his mid to late twenties and he goes on his solo adventures around the world it’s so obvious, yet I can’t seem to find it in my Steam library
16:28 I thought it made for a more interesting characterisation, how it sets up the, let's just call it the Fire Nation's military industrial complex for the lack of a better term as the big baddie, that Ozai himself is a victim of, that his ruthlessness doesn't come from a place of malice but as a sense of duty, dare I say, honour?
16:42 That line made me cringe for another reason, it makes it sound like the whole division was assigned to Zuko instead of a very small detachment.
I really appreciate how they altered Sokka's characterization. They nixed the standard sexism and actually sets up early that Sokka feels insecure and even afraid when it comes to benders, so he wants to learn how to fight on the same level
I can't understand how so many people have completely missed the humour of Zhao in this version. He is like up there with sokka in the live action and I will die on that hill
Am I the only one who found it really jarring that they referred to Yue as the spiritual leader? All I could think was ''What, she's the Tsahik now? That's the wrong Avatar.'' Like spiritual leader isn't really a term that is used that much in ATLA, and never about Yue, but it is very much a thing in how the Na'vi leadership works in James Cameron's Avatar. It was really weird and distracting. Not to mention Yue is 16, why is a 16 year-old the high priestess of your society?
This is a very fair criticism and props to you Mr Overanalysing Avatar. It's refreshing to see an objective non biased review from a fan of the original
It was a decent show in terms of CGI, visuals and cast but I dropped it after the fourth episode due to inconsistent writing. The writing was mostly very bad which led to a very cringe dialogue that I just couldn't stand.
I’ve seen a lot of people criticizing that Kyoshi was predicting the future. But no one seemed to have that issue when Roku did the exact same thing in the original. Telling Aang that the comet is going to arrive by summer’s end and Ozai would use it to finish the war once and for all. That seems like just as big of a psychic as what Kyoshi does in the live action.
I agree with everything you said!! However, I kinda take away two over-arching things from this; 1. The show would've been perceived better in an overall sense if they didn't open their mouths to talk about everything they're removing. They started digging a grave with that. 2. I think it's a great way for "Cartoon haters" to get into the story overall about ATLA. I just wish Netflix would've green-lighted a bit more episodes so they didn't have everything rushed. The dialogue and story (as you said) felt soooo rushed but like, I think back at it like, "How would they change it? How can they take the time to let the characters speak with the acting rather than the dialogue saying everything word for word?" … They really can't with having 7 hours to recreate the entire first season. So, idk if it's possible, but just going to 10 or 12 episodes would've helped massively imo.
(Also the Zuko line is understated. HE WAS WAY TOO LIKEABLE IN THIS. He is supposed to be the main bad guy in season 1. We aren't supposed to root for him until next season, but I found myself rooting for him here. Same with Ozai. He was way way too nice to Zuko.)
im DRUNK AS AF rn, and i dont usually comment on yt vidoes. But you said somethingabout how irohs actor seems as if hes acting to be laid back instead of actually being laid back, and omg thats soo right. He's always got his arms in his sleeves and neever seems truly at peace, all the 'good guy' talk seeems like a facade. I may not be explaingintwhat i want to explain very well cos im drunk, but you are sooooo right. I hope this comment doesnt come to bite me in teh ass in the future, if it does, hello future employers this is all a joke, im entirely sober i promise
After some reflection I realized another big issue, the passage of time. The animated series having 20 individual episodes gives the illusion of time passing between episodes. It makes it feel like more time is there for the characters to get to know each other. Having 8 one hour episodes forces the gaang to move directly from scene to scene, arc to arc. Without the imagined time between episodes its difficult to feel as if they actually had the time to gel and become like family. I hope this makes sense
I have to agree on the whole Zhao feels real bit. Personally, I feel Katara, Sokka, and a tiny bit of Aang's characters were butchered the most. Katara being too passive and quiet, Sokka being too boring, and Aang's actor feeling as tho he was too anxious on getting the lines perfectly, as tho I could feel how tense he was, at least that's how it felt to me. Kinda wish he relaxed a bit but he's got a big role to fill so I can't blame him. Really wished Katara was more passionate with her iconic feminine rage, and for Sokka to be more sarcastic and charismatic. And I don't think Zuko was honestly angry enough! I kept saying to him and Katara, "GET ANGRY!!" XD But at least Zuko amd Iroh still actually felt like the characters, especially in letter episodes, but don't think I'm not gonna knock points down for that "stoic cry" trope that stems from toxic masculinity that Iroh did, Netflix. Not cool.
But the one thing that enraged me the most was that THEY REMOVED THE LIBRARY EPISODE! How they gonna learn about the solar eclipse?! How they gonna know when to have the invasion?! How's Appa gonna get stolen?! And speaking of Appa, he didn't even get to have any fight scenes, like wtf?! They basically just turned Appa and Momo into furniture, like what?! They're part of Team Avatar TOO!!
I cant be the only one that thinks the show lacks in zuko being mean to Iroh, right? This is one of the most important parts of the original. Without it their relationship will not go through the big change thus I don't think I would cry on zuko iroh reunion scene as I had while watching original
Love that you said the piece about not bullying literal CHILDREN, the shit some people are saying is ridiculous.
Everyone knows this show is hard to remake, the actors included, i think everyone really tried to give their character life and every character had a few good scenes.I hope they get a season 2 bc I would love to see how some of the child actors do and I hope the creators listen to all the critiques about the dialogue. That’s what hindered it the most.
But were the 41st was probably the best line in the whole series
I think one of the shows biggest sins in terms of characterization comes from episode 7 and i dont see many people bringing it up. in the og show when katara informs aang that paku wont train katara, aang is immediately on kataras side, saying that if he wont train katara he wont train with paku. aang is ride or die with his friends so much so that katara has to talk aang down and convince him to continue training. in the netflix show aang TAKES PAKUS SIDE! what!? if there was any semblance of a nastalgia high i had left while watching this that scene sent it crashing to the ground
I’m totally find they removed the sexism story arch. That horse has been beat to death a hundred million times over, in all forms of media, 30 years ago lol. Now in modern times I’ve heard it so many times I can’t even watch it without rolling my eyes
People are comparing it to one piece, don't (exept for the script). One piece is far bigger than avatar, they recreated every set IRL and it cost Millions.
I am disapointed in a lot however. I am okay with changes to the story (like one piece)
Effects: 4/5
Character design: 4.5/5
Story telling: 3.5/5
Character presentation: 1/5
Seriously One Piece had probably the best Character presentation ever !
Watch the movie 300
21:00 I actually think Iroh being different is one of the show's strengths. It was going to be really hard to recreate the Iroh we got in the cartoon, so I feel like they went for a slightly altered version of Iroh that manages to sit really comfortably in the live action adaptation.
Cartoon Iroh feels like a wise man who seems to have life all figured out and is just enjoying every moment while looking after his nephew.
Live action Iroh is not that, but the Iroh we got in the live action is still an interesting portrayal of the character in my eyes.
He feels like a grieving father, who latched onto Zuko as a way to cope with the loss of his son. He has his own problems and might have some personal character growth still to go.
There is a lot in the Live action that I disliked, but Iroh isn't one of those. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad.
"Nobody on the planet wanted"
Personally i wanted it to be more gritty and less silly so that I'm able to actually recommend this show to people at work and friends ect. And guess what, they all love it. It's a dream to arrive at work and hear all my colleagues talking about Aang and Zuko ect and being able to talk with them about my favourite world from my favourite show
I am shocked how many people fall for this live action "interpretation"
– The acting is ok to absolutely laughable
– There is a stupid amount of bland expostion
– The effects are weirdly corporated into the scenes and look off
– The story is completly disconneted
– It's rushed and yet wastes so much time
– Butchering characters left and right
– zero subtlety whatsoever, everyone carries thier life story on their forehead
– The costumes range from good to horrible, seriously why does Bumi look like a crackhead Ottomman Sultan
– etc
Whenever modern shows and movies are using to do women with powers out always boils down to you just need the right mind set to unlock your powers rather than practice and training. In the cartoon katara had to troubleshoot how to do the water wip for a while or keep going off behind her and she had to use her ingenuity to almost do it in reverse to freeze the soldiers by turning her back to them… This show is one of the shows of all time but once you start digging it gets weaker.
welp guess in the meantime we rewatch all the overanalyzing avatar vids once again while we wait for the seperate vids. this show was good enough, i dind expect to much from netflix in general but im happy i got to rewatch my favorite show in "real life". best scene has to be the funeral for lu ten, and i cant wait for your video and analyzing of that scene.
Finally the voice I’ve been waiting to hear
I think it’s hard to criticize Ozai, Azula, Ty Lee, or Mai. They didn’t have any development in the original Book One. So saying they feel different is a strange take. It’s still possible that Azula becomes what we expect. Ozai as well now that Zuko and Iroh have essentially betrayed the Fire Nation. It’s possible in Season 2 we get more resentment of Zuko from his father. Ozai may take this failure at the North and success of Azula in Omashu to finally give up on Zuko. Nothing they’ve done with Ozai or Azula to me can’t fit in the originals backstory, except Ozai vs Zuko Agni Kai and Azula being in charge of the Omashu capture.
The show really highlighted how much the original got right. I was constantly reminded just how good the original was when watching this.
I feel like Iroh was treated unfairly, especially in the final episode when he confronts Chao. It doesn't really feel like he posed a threat to Chao because his lines lacked the same menacing tone as in the original Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA) series. Iroh wasn't helped by just standing and watching Chao after saying, 'Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold,' and then remaining idle as if nothing important was happening. In the original ATLA, you truly sense the anger and determination in Iroh during that scene, and he genuinely feels like he's about to take decisive action against Chao. I believe this scene is crucial for Iroh's character development because it demonstrates his respect and care for the spirit world and its inhabitants, which became a large part of his character later on.
just make a soulslike Sokka game where he’s in his mid to late twenties and he goes on his solo adventures around the world
it’s so obvious, yet I can’t seem to find it in my Steam library
16:28 I thought it made for a more interesting characterisation, how it sets up the, let's just call it the Fire Nation's military industrial complex for the lack of a better term as the big baddie, that Ozai himself is a victim of, that his ruthlessness doesn't come from a place of malice but as a sense of duty, dare I say, honour?
16:42 That line made me cringe for another reason, it makes it sound like the whole division was assigned to Zuko instead of a very small detachment.
I really appreciate how they altered Sokka's characterization. They nixed the standard sexism and actually sets up early that Sokka feels insecure and even afraid when it comes to benders, so he wants to learn how to fight on the same level
Airbending slice >>>>>> live action atla
I can't understand how so many people have completely missed the humour of Zhao in this version. He is like up there with sokka in the live action and I will die on that hill
Am I the only one who found it really jarring that they referred to Yue as the spiritual leader? All I could think was ''What, she's the Tsahik now? That's the wrong Avatar.'' Like spiritual leader isn't really a term that is used that much in ATLA, and never about Yue, but it is very much a thing in how the Na'vi leadership works in James Cameron's Avatar. It was really weird and distracting. Not to mention Yue is 16, why is a 16 year-old the high priestess of your society?
i am sad that he is right
Did anyone else stare in shock when Katara was overwhelmed by the relentless waterbending assault of… kinda windy snow?
Her hair came lose and she looks all defeated, but it's just annoying weather you might go back inside to get a scarf for
This is a very fair criticism and props to you Mr Overanalysing Avatar. It's refreshing to see an objective non biased review from a fan of the original
It was a decent show in terms of CGI, visuals and cast but I dropped it after the fourth episode due to inconsistent writing. The writing was mostly very bad which led to a very cringe dialogue that I just couldn't stand.
bro why didnt you split the review in differnt parts ?
I’ve seen a lot of people criticizing that Kyoshi was predicting the future. But no one seemed to have that issue when Roku did the exact same thing in the original. Telling Aang that the comet is going to arrive by summer’s end and Ozai would use it to finish the war once and for all. That seems like just as big of a psychic as what Kyoshi does in the live action.
I agree with everything you said!! However, I kinda take away two over-arching things from this;
1. The show would've been perceived better in an overall sense if they didn't open their mouths to talk about everything they're removing. They started digging a grave with that.
2. I think it's a great way for "Cartoon haters" to get into the story overall about ATLA. I just wish Netflix would've green-lighted a bit more episodes so they didn't have everything rushed. The dialogue and story (as you said) felt soooo rushed but like, I think back at it like, "How would they change it? How can they take the time to let the characters speak with the acting rather than the dialogue saying everything word for word?" … They really can't with having 7 hours to recreate the entire first season. So, idk if it's possible, but just going to 10 or 12 episodes would've helped massively imo.
(Also the Zuko line is understated. HE WAS WAY TOO LIKEABLE IN THIS. He is supposed to be the main bad guy in season 1. We aren't supposed to root for him until next season, but I found myself rooting for him here. Same with Ozai. He was way way too nice to Zuko.)
im DRUNK AS AF rn, and i dont usually comment on yt vidoes. But you said somethingabout how irohs actor seems as if hes acting to be laid back instead of actually being laid back, and omg thats soo right. He's always got his arms in his sleeves and neever seems truly at peace, all the 'good guy' talk seeems like a facade. I may not be explaingintwhat i want to explain very well cos im drunk, but you are sooooo right. I hope this comment doesnt come to bite me in teh ass in the future, if it does, hello future employers this is all a joke, im entirely sober i promise
I know it's a weird nit to pick but koizila was too loud for me. The silence of the original made it seem even more alien
i clicked on this video to give it +1 view but im pausing it at the start bc i havent finished the series yet LOL
but i love ur vids dude keep at it
Great review
I appreciate you took the time to glean out such excellent criticism good and points that helped me process the mixed bag a little more.
After some reflection I realized another big issue, the passage of time. The animated series having 20 individual episodes gives the illusion of time passing between episodes. It makes it feel like more time is there for the characters to get to know each other. Having 8 one hour episodes forces the gaang to move directly from scene to scene, arc to arc. Without the imagined time between episodes its difficult to feel as if they actually had the time to gel and become like family. I hope this makes sense
I have to agree on the whole Zhao feels real bit. Personally, I feel Katara, Sokka, and a tiny bit of Aang's characters were butchered the most. Katara being too passive and quiet, Sokka being too boring, and Aang's actor feeling as tho he was too anxious on getting the lines perfectly, as tho I could feel how tense he was, at least that's how it felt to me. Kinda wish he relaxed a bit but he's got a big role to fill so I can't blame him. Really wished Katara was more passionate with her iconic feminine rage, and for Sokka to be more sarcastic and charismatic. And I don't think Zuko was honestly angry enough! I kept saying to him and Katara, "GET ANGRY!!" XD But at least Zuko amd Iroh still actually felt like the characters, especially in letter episodes, but don't think I'm not gonna knock points down for that "stoic cry" trope that stems from toxic masculinity that Iroh did, Netflix. Not cool.
But the one thing that enraged me the most was that THEY REMOVED THE LIBRARY EPISODE! How they gonna learn about the solar eclipse?! How they gonna know when to have the invasion?! How's Appa gonna get stolen?! And speaking of Appa, he didn't even get to have any fight scenes, like wtf?! They basically just turned Appa and Momo into furniture, like what?! They're part of Team Avatar TOO!!
I cant be the only one that thinks the show lacks in zuko being mean to Iroh, right? This is one of the most important parts of the original. Without it their relationship will not go through the big change thus I don't think I would cry on zuko iroh reunion scene as I had while watching original
I loved the 41st division thing they added. And I loved that they did secret tunnel ❤
Love that you said the piece about not bullying literal CHILDREN, the shit some people are saying is ridiculous.
Everyone knows this show is hard to remake, the actors included, i think everyone really tried to give their character life and every character had a few good scenes.I hope they get a season 2 bc I would love to see how some of the child actors do and I hope the creators listen to all the critiques about the dialogue. That’s what hindered it the most.
whats that thumbnail's font mr OA??