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download a song What’s My Worst Take #music #interview #tatemcrae for free or listen to music What’s My Worst Take #music #interview #tatemcrae online in high quality
Fantano with the last girl he asked: ???
Fantano in this: ???
Just wait until he meets someone who likes vultures 1
Jockstrap is the best girlboss music imo
Fantano, go to the hood
the videos with girls are so cool bc they actually try to argue in good faith lol
Tate McRae sucks
Tate McRae is the girl version of Harry Styles
yknow some days all i can handle is level zero spice music 🙁
Fantanos examples are not Girly music,those are from grown up women , she’s referring to Tate , Olivia etc ! Grown ass men cannot relate to young girls I guess
Notice the abrupt cut at the end when Ant is about to put his arm on the young girl then all the sudden it is by his side
Fantano telling lecturing her about girly music is like the most fantano thing ever?
Nah tate fans don’t exist
That is his best take.
Honestly, I agree with Fantano that you could go to other female artists for better girly music like Beyoncé and Charli XCX like he mentioned. Hell, I’d even say Olivia Rodrigo and Billie Eilish make more interesting music than Tate McRae.
both are right. I did not hear the album, but i like greedy, exes… is alright, so ig the whole album is around that. He gave it the "Not Good" rating, and maybe it is too much maybe it's not. Beyoncé and Charli XCX are for sure far more better artists tho.
Why did you touch her like that dog
Tate McRae sucks but I would rather be friends with a Tate McRae fan than be friends with someone who critiques music for a living
tate mcrae trash lol
Please review chase by Arron may
Agree, Tate McRae grinds my fucking gears
Not reviewing Hanz & Franz is crazy
Tate McRae will always be a boneless Arianna Grande
The fact that she agreed with him so quickly tells you he was right
bro is than an iphone 5